Health & Safety Policy

Wykes Engineering Co. (Rushden) Limited to minimising the likelihood of any person coming to harm whilst at work or as a result of operational activities. Wykes Engineering is also committed to complying with legal requirements and general duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and accompanying protective legislation.

We recognise Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S;) as a key corporate responsibility and the Managing Director and Senior Managers provide leadership and are committed to ensuring that at all levels within the organisation, operational activities are managed to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S; risks.

Wykes Engineering is committed to continual improvement and promotion of occupational health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure the following:

  • prevention of injury and ill health of workers, visitors, contractors and of any members of the general public that could be affected by the operational activities
  • provide adequate facilities for the welfare of its workers
  • all necessary precautions are taken in respect of the safe use, handling, storage and transport of materials and substances
  • provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all workers
  • procedures and risk assessments are in place to identify the potential for accident and emergency situations and to prevent or minimise any injury
  • maintains all places of work, work equipment and transport in a safe condition
  • consults, communicates & involves workers on matters affecting their health & safety
  • provision of relevant information to interested parties

Wykes Engineering operates a documented Integrated Management System (IMS) in accordance with the requirements of BS EN ISO 45001:2018 and provides the framework for the regular setting, reviewing and monitoring of its health & safety; policy statements, risks & opportunities, needs & expectations of interested parties, internal & external issues and objectives and targets.

The above policy commitments are subject to periodic review for continuing suitability & relevance.

David Wykes
Managing Director
January 2022

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 Certified