Environmental Policy

Wykes Engineering Co. (Rushden) Limited is committed to the protection of the Environment and will conduct its manufacturing and operations in an environmentally responsible manner.

We recognise environmental management as a key corporate responsibility and the Managing Director and Senior Managers are committed to ensuring that at all levels within the organisation operational activities are managed to reduce their environmental impact, as far as is reasonably practicable.

The Company is committed to the protection of the environment and continual improvement of its environmental management system and performance, which includes the reduction and prevention of pollution.

We work closely with the appropriate regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with all applicable existing legal and other requirements that apply to environmental aspects and to assist in the development and implementation of future improvements.

All plant and equipment is operated and maintained to the highest possible standards, by the implementation of good maintenance, operating procedures and awareness of improved technologies and practices.

We communicate, train and motivate all personnel whose work may create a significant impact on the environment to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner.

Procedures are in place to minimise the potential for accident and for emergency situations preventing or minimising any associated environmental damage.

The company operates a documented Integrated Management System (IMS) in accordance with the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001: 2015 with approval by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance and provides the framework for the regular setting, reviewing and monitoring of its environmental; policy statement, aspects & impacts, risks & opportunities and objectives & targets.

This policy commitment will be subject to periodic review for continuing suitability.

David Wykes
Managing Director
January 2022

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 Certified